#stoptheglitch, #isolate and #FutureProof

Available on Amazon, Waterstones etc

5.0 out of 5 stars We are…small people, without influence, without power and without resource to make any difference. Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 20 November 2023

Set in 2034, in a world increasingly threatened by climate change, what can people do to control their future? As one character says, ‘we are just small people, without influence, without power and without resource to make any difference at all.’

Should they give up and lose themselves in an increasingly technological world while ignoring what is happening around them, preferring to bury themselves in enhanced VR gaming to shut out the real world? Or should they find new ways to challenge the system and their political leaders despite believing they have no influence?

#futureproof is the final standalone book in the Glitch trilogy. The story is told from the viewpoint of Poppy, now 16, who has grown up in Caernef, surrounded by activists, diplomats and spies, including Robin, an ageing rebel who remains devoted to her cause. The community is committed to building a sustainable life and future in harmony with nature, kicking against the ever-growing rise of self-serving technology. Observations of nature underline what we stand to lose if nothing changes.

In contrast, Nathan Price has developed a multi-million-pound gaming platform featuring Pia, Poppy’s digital twin, created without Poppy’s consent, followed as a role model by millions of enthusiastic gamers worldwide. Rick, a climate sceptic, adds balance to the debate. Poppy has to use her innate negotiating skills to convince her family and the world of the best ways to advance her personal and political aims. Poppy refuses to accept that she is a ‘small person’ with no power to influence events as the story builds to a surprising, dramatic conclusion.

In less capable hands, #futureproof could have turned into a rant, dwelling on the apparent hopelessness of resisting self-serving politicians interested only in their personal aggrandisement. Chris Malone’s measured, flowing prose conveys Poppy and her comrades’ passion in an articulate and restrained way.


5.0 out of 5 stars ”Our time on this planet is limited” Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 19 November 2023

Readers will enjoy Chris Malone’s novel, Future Proof as a stand alone book, but I had waited with anticipation to discover how Poppy’s account would terminate the trilogy.
It did not disappoint and I still had no idea of the final twist in the plot until the last page.
Throughout the book the beautiful descriptions of nature and the possibilities still offered by a simpler way of living, were juxtaposed next to the choices being made by those in control; these were made to seem obvious, acceptable and tempting.

I was challenged by this book to question many of the current ideas about progress for the human race, not forcibly in a didactic way, but via the thoughts, experiences and reactions of the interesting characters in this trilogy. I had become involved with them, fond of them, so that the lead up to the final pages and the end itself mattered tremendously.


Friday October 13th 2023 #FutureProof book launch at The New Strand, Eardisley.

And Linda’s Book Bag on publication day.

Review of #FutureProof by Liz van Santen: The story moves at the speed of light, a real page turner. The author, Chris Malone, skillfully highlights the conflict between the real world and the digital world: the awe and wonder of nature – “As it was deep summer, the foliage was high and fragrant: deep bushed fennel and dry wispy quaking grass, which rattled if you brushed past.” And the instant gratification of virtual reality – “Human beings were not made to exist through their fingertips, attached to artificial devices.”

It should serve as a warning for us all. We need sit up and take notice before it’s too late. “What if virtuality suddenly becomes the only way?”

It is a truly imaginative innovative read, with breathtaking descriptions of the rugged coastline of Caernef and the wildlife that abounds there – “The white-tailed eagle is diving on to the boiling surface of the sea, soaring upwards, then swooping down at speed, silhouetted against the sun.”

Poppy’s character is believable and the reader gains insight into the conundrum she has between her love of nature, her desire to study the Arts, and her questioning of technology. “But I’m struggling to see a future for me, with a cardboard box of natural curiosities, in a world characterised by exponential tech.” The merging of Poppy and her virtual character, Pia, is ingenious. “But I realise that, through Pia, I became a force for change that I always wanted to be.”

The wickedly clever send-off for some of the world leaders delves deep into the world of science fiction.

“A grass roots-inspired future whereby humans abandon conflict and co-exist with nature.” Chris Malone describes, for me, a perfect world using just a few well-chosen words.

If you enjoyed #Stop the Glitch and #Isolate, as much as I did, grab yourself a cup of tea, you have a treat in store.

May 2022 review of #stoptheglitch: ‘A really strong storyline with an involving and exciting plot set in a contemporary, post pandemic world where disasters affect people across the globe. Although the book has its idealistic moments, it exudes hope for those who want to challenge and make a difference to the materialistic, me-centred ethos that is promoted by much social media and TV. Parts of the book look to originate in Chris’ life as she seems to speak from experience.
Much recommended!

The ‘Glitch Series:

Book 1: #stoptheglitch

Robin seeks to escape the consumerism of post-pandemic society using an inheritance to secure a secluded and peaceful life off grid. Caernef Camp, a remote outdoor centre for school visits, is re-opened, and our quietly charismatic rebel establishes a simple home in a dramatic clifftop folly.

But bizarre circumstances, including secret night-time peace talks, draw Robin further into the sinister conspiracy.  Competing gangs challenge the establishment, questioning assumptions about progress and prosperity.

Book 2: #isolate

#isolate is a stand-alone political eco-thriller which establishes Miranda, cyber-spy, as an enigmatic counterpoint to Robin, feisty and deeply principled protagonist of #stoptheglitch.

Set after the events of the glitch, Miranda investigates who is behind the series of attacks on national infrastructure in a race against time to prevent a total lockdown of technology.

Her arch enemy, Robin, a misfit who is bold enough to speak out, and who lures mavericks into making an ethical stand to challenge the status quo, might be her only hope. Now, framed with murder and on the run from the authorities, Miranda is determined to get as deep into Robin’s campaigns as she can, to live and breathe Robin, not only to be her shadow, but to be her.

Meanwhile, #isolate is gaining momentum, playing out in the countryside and the cities against the backdrop of a looming general election. An ingenious algorithm is used to promote #Spoiler: ‘Legitimately spoil your ballot paper and be counted. Make a difference!’

How is it all linked? But more importantly, who can she trust? 

Book 3: #FutureProof

Poppy, child of Caernef, has imbibed the political rebellion of her off-grid childhood. But when she discovers her identity has been stolen to create the ultimate in alluring virtual eco-heroes, she is incandescent.

Ensnared by conflicting visions for the future of the planet, Poppy finds that the future hinges upon her unique fingerprint. As she is propelled towards the audacious and controversial denouement, the reader is drawn into a supreme ethical dichotomy.

Some shots of publication day for #isolate

5.0 out of 5 stars Beautifully written with excellent relevant themes ‘The author sets the scene well in this highly relevant dystopian thriller. Right from the start you are drawn in. She has a beautiful way with words and descriptions. I could imagine the places described. Having not read the first one it didn’t matter as it was clear from the outset what was going on. Great ending.’

Second review of #isolate on Amazon! Excellent Sequel

‘In the confusing times we live in, we need good storytellers, and this was exactly the kind of story I needed to read.

#Isolate weaves in elements of so many things currently going round in the public psyche, from questioning the necessities of modern technology, to our trust of governments and large corporations, and more down to earth matters like the value of true friendship, family, and even solitude. How far would you go for your beliefs? What does a meaningful life really mean?

After thoroughly enjoying the prequel, #Stop The Glitch, which was narrated by the principled, grounded, and well-meaning Robin, this one is told from the perspective of her much grittier, mercurial, and opportunistic counterpart, Miranda. This makes for a darker, more unpredictable adventure, as she uses her training as a spy, and dubious connections, to try and solve the puzzle laid out in the first book. You can read both books separately, as effectively they are two different character journeys and adventures, however I would recommend reading them in order for the full effect.

Miranda seems to be placed in as many difficult situations as possible, and seeing how she responds can make for a very entertaining and interesting read! The chapter set in the prison cell is especially good. Pacing is fluid, and along with the descriptiveness of the locations, can read very like watching a movie at times. It’s one of those books that can be hard to put down once you start, and when you do, you can end up wondering how things are going to play out. There are certain twists near the end I hadn’t seen coming, and there are times I wondered if some characters were going to make it out alive!

If you enjoyed the first book, also keep an eye out for appearances from familiar faces, and of course, we go back to visit Caernef, which is now one of my favourite fictional places I’m still not sure isn’t real! In all her books, the writer treads an interesting line between idealistic visions, and a hyper-realistic world, which can definitely give food for thought, on how the future is actually going to play out, and how much control we as individuals actually have over that.

Be prepared for lots of fresh air, mud (to Miranda’s dislike), gadgets, puzzles, and self-discovery. A political thriller told with uniquely British humour, intelligence, and resourcefulness. Definitely have a read if you get the chance!’

First review of #isolate on Amazon!  A fast-paced dystopian adventure filled with rebellion, espionage and survival against the odds

‘Work gives people confidence, identities, purpose. But fear of the streets, fear of the very air they were breathing , sent them indoors. They grew pale, workaholics tethered to their computers, to their phones. Held together by that fragile thread called the internet.’

#Isolate plunges you into a vibrant world of rebellion, espionage and survival against the odds. What is causing the glitch? Who is really behind it? Who can you trust? Chasing the swift heels of Miranda, a resilient yet ruthless agent, you’ll delve deeper into a world torn apart by technology and politics. After making a fateful mistake in the heat of the moment, she finds herself exposed and vulnerable; relying on all of the tricks in her arsenal to keep moving. The bitter yet cunning Miranda – or is it Meredith, or Zillah the second – will be pushed to her limits, forced to question what she really believes, stuck in the tricky web she has entangled herself in.

Chris Malone holds a distorted mirror up to our chaotic world. A world of pandemics, fear, shut-ins and a desperate reliance on the internet shaping the lives of many, alongside the ever-looming serpent of politics. The glitch has transformed society, but out of the rubble of destruction grows hope. What began as a small act of defiance blossomed into a movement, rooted in the people’s desire for change. The enigmatic Robin, unassuming in her duffle coat and bright knitted hat, is a beacon for many in a post-glitch world, passionately, if reluctantly, leading the march into the future.

After the first chapter I found myself filled with questions and keen to read on. We are introduced to Miranda through two highly contrasting settings: networking tactfully with Reginald De Vere and his associates at the Covert Inn – and surveying a ‘gig’ in a dark, earthy hollow in the wilderness, pressed into the mud and leaves. This is most fitting, as it is a book of contrasts: nature and technology, resilience and vulnerability, Miranda and Robin. It is the disparate elements of #Isolate that drive the story. We are pulled left and right with Miranda, torn between the familiar crisp formality of De Vere Stratagems and the unnerving if alluring warmth of Caernef.

Having not read the prequel to this book, #Stop The Glitch, I had to mimic Miranda, keenly snatching information like clues as I read, piecing together her curious, yet familiar, world. Having thoroughly enjoyed #Isolate, I will definitely be going back to read the prequel, as I am keen to hear the tale of Robin and the devastating first glitch; as well as delving further into Miranda’s questionable character. You can read this book as a stand alone work, as I have, but I predict that reading them in order will allow the books to have the most impact; particularly as I enjoyed the fast-paced and dynamic nature of #Isolate. Perhaps it is partly down to Miranda’s inability to settle, always on the balls of her feet, about to pounce forwards into action! I imagine that being familiar with the characters and setting would allow the reader to chase the narrative at speed, tumbling through the exciting chapters one after the other.

I would highly recommend this book to any readers who are looking for a fresh and spirited adventure, those who enjoy dystopian fiction, or possibly, any #Isolators out there craving change from a world bedevilled by power games, mistrust, conflict and destruction.


With many thanks to The New Strand for hosting me on publication day of #isolate. All three of my books, signed copies, are currently on sale at The New Strand, at local discounts! There are also copies online at Amazon, Blackwell’s, The Hive, and other booksellers.

#isolate is published, 15th October 2021


September 2021: #isolate pre-publication Scottish Book Tour

Edinburgh to Dundee, via St Andrews

We begin the tour at Jupiter Artland outdoor contemporary sculpture park near Edinburgh.

One reviewer of #isolate said: ‘Miranda keeps turning her back, to us the reader, to her friends, to the system, even to safety, so we never quite know what she’s going to do next, or where her true allegiances lie.. The faceless person – a spy – possibly one of the most isolated people in the world – in a different way, to Robin in Caernef.’

Looking at the moving figures by Laura Ford, Welsh sculptor, it brings to my mind a passage from #isolate, when Miranda is imprisoned. She is questioning her derision for the outdoors and bemoaning what she sees as her rotten life chances. She imagines she is speaking to Robin about the faceless workaholic homeworkers. The irony is that she is telling herself to make her own luck, through the voice of an imaginary Robin.

‘The internet is addictive. It can fill a hole that isn’t there. They each seemed to be missing something.


Maybe. More than sunlight. They were too insular. They looked so miserable. I wanted to drag them outside and let them loose …

In woods, fields …

Smelling of dank, wet greenery.

Better than smelling of the place you’re in.

Touché. Caernef is your nirvana. It is your engine room. You have created a place where people feel at home, and where great minds seek to outwit systems. You are there, and I am here. It’s simply not fair. You had advantages right from the off. I didn’t. All I had was trouble, hunger, violence and failure.

Feeling sorry for yourself Miranda? Make your own luck. Prove yourself.’


And into Edinburgh, to St Giles Cathedral and up the Royal Mile, weaving in and out of the people in the street to the haunting riff of bagpipes.

This route brings to mind several events from #isolate. the homeless buskers in Oxford, the guitar player on the clifftop, but for me it evokes the feeling from #stoptheglitch, that ‘no one saw it coming.’ People just walked the streets unaware of what was on the horizon (familiar!?). In Miranda’s words: ‘The secret behind these persistent temporary glitches, involving the failure of digital services, sometimes power as well, is unknown, at least publicly. The unanswered question on the lips of the person in the street is who, or what, is responsible? The Government wants us to believe it is #isolate.’


And we approach the Forth Railway Bridge, South Queensferry.

We have to think of Miranda, ‘I am queen of the bridge, the hero in my own movie, hitting the front pages.’

But hold on; who is this dapper, windswept gentleman? Could it be … possibly … Reginald De Vere, the puppet-master himself? Is he looking for Miranda?


We travel on to St Andrew’s Cathedral, the remains of Scotland’s largest and most magnificent medieval church. Even in its ruinous state, the cathedral remains a prominent landmark highly visible from the sea. It reminds me of Robin’s folly at Caernef: ‘The folly looms on the horizon, chunky yet elegant, now a symbol for disrupters. But Caernef is a memory of times gone and people lost. This lookout surveys the national political landscape as much as the calming estuary.’

The folly gains huge significance in #isolate, as Miranda explains:

‘The whole campaign hinges on Robin. There are millions of people out there hanging on her every word. People have pictures of this folly on their walls with motivational slogans. We need Robin. Where is she?’


Next, we travel north to Dundee, to the V&A, which displays the brilliance of Scottish creativity, the iconic building designed by Japanese architects. In 2019, the museum hosted an exhibition entitled: Videogames: Design/Play/Disrupt.

The exhibition explored the creative process behind playful, radical and provocative games through original design, concept art and prototypes.

Reminds me of Miranda: ‘Wish I was the revered author of a current socio-political theory, a well-paid pollster or a celebrity sage. But the stark reality is that I’m on the run for a murder that I know I didn’t commit, and for breaking custody. I’m wanted. Hated. Stuck in a damp and derelict house masterminding the petty computer game-reality of runners and isolators.’

‘I can’t get over the thought that this is all a game, a game which has rocketed out of control …’


Our destination is the ancient Royal Research Ship Discovery, also in Dundee; the actual ship in which Captain Scott sailed from Dundee on the British National Antarctic Expedition in 1901.

So, I remember pioneers who have displayed extreme bravery. Not only Scott and his companions, but all those working for the British Antarctic Survey, including a relative of mine who lost his life in Antarctica.

#isolate is dedicated to: ‘mavericks and trailblazers.’


#isolate book signing 15th October 2021,
publication day!

#isolate out on October 15th. Sneak peek here.

23rd July 2021 Watch out on twitter for cover reveal of #isolate TODAY! Pre-orders open on Amazon already.

Newsflash! We are aiming for publication of #isolate on the anniversary of the publication of #stoptheglitch! 16th October 2021

Random Acts of Kindness Day Twitter giveaway!


DARKMATTERS – The Mind Of Matt: Matt tries to #stoptheglitch (review)

Matt tries to #stoptheglitch (review)


Chris Malone (@CMoiraM
Reviewed by Matt Adcock (@Cleric20
“The train carriage is filled with people gripping their phones as if their lives depend upon them. Ironically no one is making an actual phone call; it is all internet and social media. Glancing over the legs of the passenger seated across the aisle ahead of me, I marvel at their deft fingers, swiping as if born with the skill.” 
Pause for a minute and imagine if our mobile phones, tablets, consoles and computers couldn’t be trusted. 
Ok stop screaming, it’s not real, (yet) or is it? 
This is the world foreseen/dreamt up by novelist Chris Malone in her kick-ass tech thriller #stoptheglitch. If you want to test your tolerance for how bad things might get – take this trip with the believably resourceful Robin who fights to survive in this nightmare scenario. Aided by some and crossed by others, this oh-so-near-future tale where tech in unreliable and cannot be trusted mixes MPs with codenames (Miranda) with a plucky bunch of conspirators: Glyn the intrepid educator, Thomas and Maria, the brave survivors, the cheerful little Poppy, Gid, the ferocious, Eva, the peace-maker, Nathan, with youth and ingenuity on his side… 
There is also a tangible sense of threat – you think cybercrime won’t affect you? Imagine if it wiped your entire data history, finances and all… Mix it all together and you get a fun and fascinating read which romps along at a good pace. 
I asked Chris for her thoughts about the book and publishing it in this covid-tastic world we find ourselves in. She said: 
‘Following the publication of #stoptheglitch, readers have said they like the way in which the pandemic is referenced, but doesn’t dominate. As we all rely increasingly on tech solutions to lockdown challenges, #stoptheglitch is particularly relevant. 

‘the author wears the glitch’I have been busy writing a sequel, now complete at the draft stage, which focuses on action following #stoptheglitch and further develops the dynamic between Robin, and Miranda. Imagine post-pandemic campaigners, isolated communities connected by an ethical competitor to Amazon, a hijacked general election, and a heroine who realises she has been living a lie. That’s a taste!’ 
As a parent of two boys in their early 20’s I know that they would be devastated if the digital realm that currently provides so much of our entertainment, communications and work suddenly glitched out. It’s bad enough if our Wi-Fi goes down for more than a minute at home!? 
But maybe, just maybe there is more to life? How long would it take to put our dependence on modern tech aside? It’s a question that forms a good basis for this mystery that traverses the UK from Oxford to the wilds of Wales. 
Malone writes with clear, business-like prose that is easy to digest but will often leave you pondering what you just read for some time afterwards. #stoptheglitch is a read that will appeal to anyone looking for a book that will entertain and make you want to find out what happens next.
Out of a potential 5 – you have to go with a Darkmatters:
ööööö (5 – fear the glitch) 


#stoptheglitch on Amazon e-book promotion this week only to 24th January 2021: £1.99!

8th November 2020: Biden set for the White House, Trump struggling with #STOPTHEVOTE and #StopTheSteal, and the sequel to #stoptheglitch is growing – an explosive post-pandemic, pre-2024 UK general election thriller, narrated by … Miranda …

5.0 out of 5 stars Thriller with a Moral Compass

October 2020: see this amazing review of #stoptheglitch: ‘I thoroughly enjoyed ‘Stop the Glitch’ from start to finish. Most of us at some point have fantasized about the idea of switching off our phones and computers, and trying to build a peaceful, meaningful life, without the allure and stresses of modern technology. This is the premise on which the novel begins, and from there, evolves and develops, into a mystery-solving caper, with the possibility of an even greater enemy, and the trials of a world reliant on digitisation.

The novel is set in the near future. Robin, the hero of the piece, is a quiet rebel. On her journey, she encounters her own group of ‘Merry Men’ and odd-ball companions, all of whom share a dedication to the mission. Their travels on foot, from Oxford to mid Wales, is in my opinion one of the highlights of the book. The strength of the author is in managing to pose extreme challenges and near impossible dilemmas, with a pragmatic and resourceful understanding. This can be greatly inspiring, and grounding, especially reading it amid the unsettling chaos that is Covid-19.

On the surface, the thrilling adventure take us on highs and lows, and in and out of the various lives of the characters within. But underneath is a questioning soul, addressing many of the concerns we currently face in society. How can we balance the core need to survive, with our more lofty ambitions? How much should we trust the government and higher powers, versus our own intuitions and self-reliance? What is the perfect combination of money, and priceless value, friendship, and solitude? Can we stop ‘the glitch’ in time, or even at all?

‘Stop the Glitch’ had me thinking all the way through! But the conundrum of the title is also threaded with great storytelling and humour. By the end, I found myself longing to continue getting to know the characters, and picturing the array of real-life and fantasy locations. The educational retreat at Caernef Camp became a place like home – I could totally feel the importance it had to Robin and her friends. I even went to search for it on Google Maps (I’m not entirely convinced it doesn’t exist somewhere)! And thus illustrates the bizarre relationship we now have with technology. Perhaps not necessarily good nor bad, but depending on how we use it?

I would highly recommend this book, for anyone looking for a great mix of entertainment and contemplation.’

Juliet Blaxland’s Review of #stoptheglitch:

I really enjoyed #stoptheglitch. The idea of cyber-terrorism and the internet ‘going down’ is a completely believable set-up, and the notion of having to go back a step, to once again need to value low-tech, manual and/or rural skills, is oddly appealing.

I liked the way #stoptheglitch referred to the pandemic as being in the recent past, as part of a collective memory but not an over-dominant one. The vaguely sinister lurking background presence of the virus added authenticity to the very real idea of internet vulnerability, and the subtle fear of a second wave/glitch, especially in conjunction with the way China (CCP) allegedly used hundreds of thousands of fake Twitter accounts to bring about Covid-19 global lockdown, as a catalyst for global economic failure and resultant reliance on China for supplies and manufacture. A comparable spirit of unintended consequence and chains of unexpected effects hangs in the air of #stoptheglitch.

The setting, the architecture and the sense of place is especially pleasing, particularly the presence of a folly with a stack of actual cash in the roof! The camp being off-grid is satisfyingly both old and new tech, although the notion that it was a ‘camp’, rather than (say) a farm, gave it a faint hint of Animal Farm and communism, more as a place for ‘others’ to visit rather than a place deeply embedded in the local rural community.

There is a clever use of moral dilemma and hypocrisy attached to the coupling of a significant inheritance with the theoretically worthy environmental and social aims of the camp. The narrator it at pains to point out the bicycle, the delivery job, the giving of food to homeless people, the accommodation of refugees and so on, as if these actions, and especially the mentioning of them, may somehow offset the inheritance. This seems comparable to the almost priggish self-righteousness of people carbon-offsetting their air travel while not actually giving up their air travel. It is appealing that the narrator is prepared to admit to being slightly preachy. It would have been easy to have made the person a bit more modest about their worthy world views (and actions, to be fair), but that would have been far less entertaining and a great deal more irritating, so the tone of that ‘moral dissonance’ was pitched just right to engender genuine sympathy with the narrator and the collective dilemmas and paradoxes thrown up by life.

Some of the characters seemed slightly two-dimensional, and the characters of both original father and the family house seemed unclear, bit of a mish-mash of old and new money, for instance an old house with parkland and lodges etc but in a millionaires’ row kind of place was slightly puzzling. I imagined it as an elegant old country house gobbled up by home counties sprawl, but the father and the ex-husband somehow didn’t ring true. But none of this mattered at all, since the point of all this was really to introduce and explain the source of the inheritance.

#stoptheglitch is an enjoyable, believable and slightly alarming romp into the near-future unknowns of cyber-terrorism, with enough technological authenticity to be disconcerting, enough social conscience to be thought-provoking and enough of the far-fetched to be hugely entertaining.

I hope #stoptheglitch reaches a wide readership and gives many people the pleasure and fun it has given me.


#stoptheglitch Publication Day

A very different type of book launch event took place today at Oxfam’s popular second-hand bookstore in Chipping Norton.  Unlike traditional book store launches, the publication day event was in line with the ideology of the book’s central protagonist, Robin, who feels disconnected from modern society and seeks to live off grid in Wales, rejecting consumerism.


Many thanks to Adam Frosh, author of ‘Space Taxis’ and surgeon, for the latest review of #stoptheglitch:

‘A terrifying portrayal of our world thrown unceremoniously into chaos as technology is ripped from it by an all-pervasive digital glitch. This is a book that highlights mankind’s unnatural dependence on technology and is a call for all of us to reconsider our materialistic norms.
Robin is a woman with firm political views that continually challenge her own place in the modern digital age. Her desire to divest herself of material wealth constantly at odds with her need for finances to facilitate her ideological intentions. She is a well crafted and interesting character who feels deeply for those who are less fortunate than herself. Her treatment of the family who have fled Syria brings out her deep humanity, their story sounding genuine and harrowing.
The various references to ‘pandemic’, ‘social distancing’, ‘lockdown’ and ‘hand-gels’ make for uncannily prophetic reading. Worthy of five stars.’


Burton Mayers Books: ‘Working with Burton Mayers during the Covid lockdown has been a genuine pleasure. Richard is amazing (he has promised not to edit this)! He never fails to answer emails, texts or tweets, promptly and with an air of calm reassurance. He is very skilled in editing with a light touch, somehow creating a vastly improved experience for the reader using a few tiny changes, yet remaining true to the original. I tweaked the ending of my novel in response to his inspired suggestion.’

24th September: Proud to be working with Linda’s Book Bag. Look out for ‘Staying in with Chris Malone’ on 16th October!

22nd September: get the feeling this is the last day of summer, so we were inspired by #stoptheglitch to seek views. ‘… we can see for miles across the escarpment, fields, villages and church spires. It all seems very English and very reassuring.’

You can now see a #stoptheglitch taster: extracts from three chapters from throughout the book. Do have a read and if you like it, pre-order your copy!

19th September 2020: Review of #stoptheglitch by Matt Elofsen in the Banbury Guardian:

‘The latest book by Shipston author Chris Malone gripped me from the start with its superb character development and its relevance to the times we’re living in now…’

#stoptheglitch and coronavirus

The novel was drafted before the global pandemic, and edited during lockdown. The first world-wide glitch occurred in the wake of the pandemic. The Government is trying to paper over the threat of a second failure, and although people worry about a second wave of glitches, ‘no one saw it coming.’ Society was totally unprepared for the debilitating chaos which ensued.

@JulietBlaxland says: ‘I liked the way #stoptheglitch referred to the pandemic as being in the recent past, as part of a collective memory but not an over-dominant one. The vaguely sinister lurking background presence of the virus added authenticity to the very real idea of internet vulnerability, and the subtle fear of a second wave/glitch’


Homelessness in #stoptheglitch

Robin walked away from her privileged upbringing, living in a tiny one-bedroom flat in Oxford, overlooking the pavement: ‘I press the hot roll into his hand. He sits up and says, ‘Thanks,’ and we smile. ‘One day we will eat a breakfast banquet off golden plates in the palace of the righteous,’ I say, watching him devour the roll surrounded by dirt, debris and the wet of the night.’

Revisiting Oxford, shortly before the glitch, Robin has doubts: ‘The singers have given up their Saturday to entertain the bustling last-minute shoppers. Their well-fed mouths open in harmony, sharing with us their “tidings of comfort and joy.” They are collecting for the homeless, which, initially, I applaud, but I hesitate…’ ‘Overwhelmed by the pathos, the untold stories of desperation, or simply failure to play the current game of life, I return to Bonn Square and squeeze on to a bench.’

Is Robin a superficially modest do-gooder? ‘My years of experience in unobtrusively assisting the homeless & the desperate serve me well …’ Or is Robin a campaigner? ‘It is abhorrent that in the twenty-first century people live out on the streets.’ ‘Empty political figureheads display their ignorance of what it means to live an ordinary life.’ ‘I just want to know that the struggling charities for people without housing will receive the boost they need.’

Most recent feedback on #stoptheglitch: ‘It’s not predictable. I think its message is that you can’t escape from society as there are constant issues & crises. It’s difficult to completely take yourself out. Robin is self-sufficient .. but has guilt .. not too much. That’s what I loved about it. It’s ethical, but not too much. The balance is really good – it’s relatable. There is so much escaping you can do to create your own piece within the conflicts of the world.’


One month to publication of #stoptheglitch on 16th October 2020

‘#stoptheglitch is about so much more than cyberterrorism. It shines a light on homelessness in Oxford, migration from Syria, the moral dilemma of capitalism, an increasing human desire to recapture a closeness to nature, the desperation of introverts for solitude in an increasingly busy world, the vulnerability of society in a post-pandemic age, misuse of technology and over-dependence on mobile phones.’

Early feedback:

‘Thoroughly enjoyed reading this from beginning to end. Very current, mixed with a bit of conspiracy, politics and suspense.’

‘I’m really enjoying it, as the story is very relevant to what’s going on in the world. Your character development is great.’

‘The style of writing packs a punch! Every word counts!’

‘I was on the last 10 or 20 pages for a couple of weeks. It was one of those good books where I didn’t want it to end so put off finishing.’

‘Great pace throughout. From seeing the centre for sale, receiving the inheritance to buying it, worked well for me as it quickly got into the plot. It suited me as I am very impatient reader and the pace was ‘spot on’ throughout.’

I hope #stoptheglitch reaches a wide readership and gives many people the pleasure and fun it has given me.’